SPOOK ME!2 – The Europa-Park Musical – Download

Data included in the download
- 4.6 MBProlog
- 2.5 MBAnkunft im Geisterschloss
- 6.2 MBEin Wunder für die Welt
- 4.4 MBGeschenke für Lola
- 9.9 MBIsperias Rache
- 4.5 MBEin finsterer Ort
- 1.6 MBZeitsprung
- 5.8 MBEngel
- 6.3 MBEltern Tochter Gespräch
- 5.8 MBWirklichkeit
- 8.1 MB Familiengeschichte
- 9.1 MB Ich geb nicht auf
- 3.0 MBRückkehr ins Geisterschloss
- 4.6 MBGeistertanz
- 7.1 MBLola und Borbar
- 13.0 MBShowdown
- 5.8 MBFinale
Original Soundtrack
Emotional song and orchestral music bring King Borbar’s haunted castle to life. Hendrik Schwarzer’s compositions and the story written by the librettist Jan Lepold turn this poetic ghost-tale into a unique symphonic experience. With more than 60 orchestral musicians from Berlin and a classical choir the music has been recorded in the legendary Teldex Studio, where Karajan often recorded with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.
Original recording of the production on Download. Order now!
Original Soundtrack
Emotional song and orchestral music bring King Borbar’s haunted castle to life. Hendrik Schwarzer’s compositions and the story written by the librettist Jan Lepold turn this poetic ghost-tale into a unique symphonic experience. With more than 60 orchestral musicians from Berlin and a classical choir the music has been recorded in the legendary Teldex Studio, where Karajan often recorded with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.
Original recording of the production on Download. Order now!